The novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has reportedly come from Wuhan, China in late 2019 and has spread rapidly through the close proximity of humans. The world reacted by forcing countries into lockdown to help break the chain of infection and reduce the stress on local health service.
Some vital businesses have kept trading and it is essential, as an employer, to ensure that your staff are protected against contracting the virus along with visitors and members of the public. If your premises had to close during lockdown your staff and visitors want to be assured that it is a safe environment when they return.
At this time there is no known vaccine for the virus and as such the Government has issued guidelines which includes a stringent hygiene regime and regular hand washing.
One of the main ways of transmission is poor hygiene due to people coughing and sneezing into their hands or touching their mouth or nose then passing the virus onto things that they touch, this is then transferred to other people.
In premises that share lots of staff and members of the public there are many areas which have 'Key Touchpoints' that people share throughout the day.
These include:
Door handles and crash bars
Supermarket trollies
Petrol pumps
Lift buttons
Canteen dining areas
Taps and kitchen equipment
Toilet handles
Stair hand rails
Rubbish bins and recycling areas
'Toilet Sneeze' is the airborne droplets that happen after a toilet is flushed. This water contains tiny pieces of micro-organisms and spreads around the bathroom area when the toilet has been flushed. The droplets then settle on surfaces such as soap dispensers and taps where they can come into contact with the next person that uses it.​
Because of this these areas need to be thoroughly cleaned and treated with disinfectants such as Zoono.
Toilet ‘sneeze’, the plume of droplets created by flushing, spreads faecal micro-organisms around a washroom. They settle on surfaces such as the seat, floor, walls, unprotected tissue, cubicle and washroom door handles, wash basins, taps and soap dispensers.
Cleaning of these areas is integral to ensure a premises is safe to return to after there has been a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19.
You may have a regular cleaning regime by either in-house or an external contractor but the treating of COVID-19 requires specialist disinfectant and application equipment to ensure it is done thoroughly.
Our Specialist Disinfection Services Division will visit the premises and conduct a full survey and provide a site-specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement (R.A.M.S) and forward a quotation.
On acceptance we will manually clean the area with specialist disinfect then fog the hard to reach areas with ULV (Ultra Low Volume) application equipment, this allows large areas to be treated in a short period of time. This significantly reduces the pathogens in the air and on surfaces and reached a far wider area than conventional cleaning methods.
Due to the application methods the premises will need to be empty during treatment and for a time afterwards.
Zoono is a colourless, odourless, non-leaching, environmentally safe, non corrosive whilst being completely gentle for humans and animals*, it is deadly for a wide range of viruses, bacteria and mould. It is effective against COVID-19 and other strains of the Coronavirus.
Zoono does not contain harmful chemicals, as a liquid Zoono is less toxic than vitamin C and coffee.
Zoono's physical kill replaces the need for dangerous poisons, chemicals and alcohol. This method of rupturing the cell means the cell cannot mutate, preventing the development of superbugs.
When applied to a surface by spraying, wiping or fogging (ULV) Zoono leaves behind a mono-molecular layer that permanently bonds to the surface. These molecules are antimicrobial, silane based polymers that covalently bond to the surface forming a barrier of positively charged microscopic pins.
These pins attract and pierce negatively charged pathogens. The pins rupture the cell walls which causes the pathogen to break up with lethal effect. The layer of molecular antimicrobial pins carry on working for up to 30 days on surfaces.
Routine cleaning can continue and does not disrupt the Zoono molecule or its antimicrobial activity.
Specialist cleaning will ensure that facilities managers, chief engineers and property owners have the piece of mind that the work areas are safe for staff and members of the public to return to. The electronic treatment report we provide will help reassure staff, clients and visitors.
Ongoing disinfectant and cleaning regimes will also help to reassure that high levels of hygiene are being kept on site.
*Zoono is harmful to aquatic life.
To book an appointment for either treatment or a quotation please fill in the form opposite.
If the work is needed to be carried out urgently please call the office on
01727 809351